Waialae Iki Residence I
Honolulu, O‘ahu
Info +

The form of this house comes as a sin­gu­lar response to the client’s way of liv­ing in rela­tion to out­door areas, views, topog­ra­phy, and the direc­tion and inten­si­ty of sun and wind.  Approached through descend­ing from the street to the garage and liv­ing areas, this mul­ti-lev­el house with pri­vate-pub­lic sep­a­ra­tions cre­ates a pro­file against the sky which is in keep­ing with the soft form of the hill­side on which it is placed.  Nat­ur­al day­light is brought into the cen­ter of the house by cleresto­ry win­dows and sky­lights, as well as by win­dows care­ful­ly designed to mod­u­late sun­light and to frame views.

Awards +
Award of Merit, 1974
The American Institute of Architects, Honolulu Chapter