This Center’s unique design originated from the School’s vision of attracting passionate student participation to interact in a thriving natural science community and “living laboratory” of students and faculty as they explore biology, chemistry, and physics. The Center’s 21st century educational program is integrated within a relatively confined site in which the building functions both as a destination and as connection. Its forms successfully create a frontage to student movement within the central quadrangle as well as reinforcing the symbolic entry driveway into the Punahou campus.
The building’s plan, utilizing two interior courtyards, is based on “making science visible”, with transparency between faculty offices and student spaces fostering dialogue and discreet supervision of independent work. Offices are placed along the perimeter to take advantage of natural light, while interior corridors terminate in windows creating a visual connection with the landscape beyond. The facility’s design incorporates the latest concepts in modern technology and flexible wall configurations as well as best-practice energy conservation and building maintenance features.