Maui Arts & Cultural Center
Yokouchi Pavilion
Kahului, Maui
Info +

The con­struc­tion of the pri­ma­ry phase of John Hara’s design for the Maui Arts & Cul­tur­al Cen­ter was com­plet­ed in 1994. Sev­er­al of the Center’s facil­i­ties were under­stood at that time as pro­vid­ing a min­i­mal infra­struc­ture for their spec­i­fied func­tions, with the expec­ta­tion that fur­ther refine­ment and elab­o­ra­tion would occur as the Center’s pro­grams were devel­oped and re-defined over time.

Phase One of the post-open­ing con­struc­tion, com­plet­ed in 2003, pro­vid­ed an expand­ed box office and sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments to the Center’s black box per­for­mance space, the teaching/conference facil­i­ty, and the edu­ca­tion­al com­plex. Phase 2, com­plet­ed in 2005, includ­ed the con­struc­tion of the architect’s designs for two prin­ci­pal con­fer­ence rooms and a new com­plex of staff offices sur­round­ing a grassed courtyard.

Phase Three, com­plet­ed in 2012, dra­mat­i­cal­ly trans­forms the open-air per­for­mance and food ser­vice func­tions of the main amphithe­atre and stage at the heart of the Cen­ter.  The tem­po­rary stage-tent which has stood at the inner cor­ner of the amphithe­atre for near­ly four­teen years was replaced in John Hara’s design by a larg­er pyra­mi­dal glass and steel roof struc­ture to be known as the Yok­ouchi Fam­i­ly Pavil­ion. With its translu­cent glaz­ing, this clear-span pavil­ion employ­ing a roof lev­el cat­walk retains the mag­i­cal qual­i­ties of evening per­for­mances and cel­e­bra­tions under the stars while enabling high-tech­nol­o­gy pro­vi­sions of sound and light­ing.  The archi­tec­tur­al form of the pavil­ion is derived from and mir­rors the orig­i­nal roof pitch of the Center’s Cas­tle The­atre com­plex, with both roofs estab­lish­ing a respect­ful and rhyth­mic coun­ter­point to the near­by moun­tains and ‘Iao Valley.

Also includ­ed with­in the Phase Three design is a new two-sto­ry build­ing replac­ing the back wall of Founder’s Court in an area of the com­plex designed from the out­set for expan­sion. This new struc­ture pro­vides an ample ser­vice kitchen and bar at the lev­el of the Court, a new 3,000 square foot gath­er­ing hall above with win­dows look­ing to Kahu­lui Har­bor, and a gen­er­ous lanai over­look­ing the Court and amphithe­atre lawn beyond.

Awards +
Commercial Project Award, 2011 / Kukulu Hale Awards
National Association of Industrial and Office Properties
Overall Grand Award—New Commercial, 2012
Building Industry Association of Hawaii
People’s Choice Award, 2012
The American Institute of Architects, Honolulu Chapter