Diamond Head Residence VIII
Honolulu, O‘ahu
Info +

This ocean­front prop­er­ty was orig­i­nal­ly one of a pair of adja­cent hous­es designed by archi­tect C.W. Dick­ey for the Alexander/Gerbode fam­i­ly in 1930. Latent in the sig­nif­i­cant­ly dete­ri­o­rat­ed exist­ing house and site were a com­fort in the shel­ter­ing roof form and a har­mo­ny between the expan­sive hori­zon of the ocean and the long house.

The new project scope includ­ed a ren­o­vat­ed main house, a ren­o­vat­ed stor­age struc­ture for a future caretaker’s res­i­dence, and a new guest house and garage build­ing with a total floor area of approx­i­mate­ly 8,700 feet.

The restora­tion and new con­struc­tion pre­serve the essen­tial inher­ent qual­i­ties of the Dick­ey design while work­ing in the spir­it of that orig­i­nal to cre­ate a new con­tem­po­rary design solu­tion for the whole.

Awards +
Editor’s Choice and Grand Award, 2005
Building Industry Association Hawaii
Merit Award, 2005
The American Institute of Architects, Honolulu Chapter